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Pae Veo
Pae Veo is a Canadian based author, located in Montreal.
He has published a collection of short stories,
Searching For Marilyn Monroe, and a novella titled The Pérelin Decline.
"Can Nobody be a man’s best friend? Pae Veo makes a convincing case, a master of crafting black marks on white paper to feel alive and surprising. A hard magic trick to pull off, but Pae Veo does it with ease. Pae is literarily and philosophically gifted, which is a dangerous mixture if not handled with care; fortunately, Pae exhibits mastery in overlaying narrative and intellectual depth so that the best of both manifest eloquently and grippingly. After The Fall by Camus, Journey to the End of the Night by Céline, Erasure by Everett, and No Exit by Sartre, it can feel like all the great Existential fiction has been finished, that nothing new can be written under the sun. Pae Veo proves otherwise, and readers will turn the last page already in search of something else that proves impossible to forget."
-- O.G. Rose, Author of Conflict of Mind: Major Epistemological Problems